FORRAD partners with Michelin India Private Limited in the implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects around their manufacturing facility in Tiruvallur District. An important component of the CSR project is the community facilitation cell. This was formed in 2011 to enable a group of local people to articulate and address the environmental and social concerns of their communities, particularly the most vulnerable sections. Today, the community facilitation cell, comprising five members, engages with the community, industry and local governments, taking forward the needs and concerns of the community to the various stakeholders. As part of its regular work, the facilitation cell assists eligible individuals from the local community with filing, accessing and processing of official applications for official documents and benefits such as old age pensions, maternity support, education allowances, ration cards, community certificates, bank accounts, age and birth certificates and aadhar cards, among others. The cell has also, since 2012 been systematically monitoring water quality across a cross-section of water sources in the area – something thought necessary with the changing climate and increasing industrialisation of the area. Currently, of critical concern to the communities, are the drying up water resources of the area owing to several activities like sand mining and road construction that, combined with the increasingly unpredictable rainfall have compromised the water security of the region and resulted in a drought like situation.